There is still a lot happening with Galactic Era!
Poll: Tutorial Solo Mode
I am considering making a solo tutorial mode for the game. It will not be as challenging as playing against other players, but it should be useful in learning the rules though.
You can cast your vote or comment on this idea here on BGG:
Second PBF Demo Game
Since many are at home during this time, I am offering a new PBF (play-by-forum) session of Galactic Era on the BGG website. There is a maximum 3 players though (otherwise it takes too long). I will preferentially be choosing players who have not played Galactic Era at all yet. I myself will not play but manage the game. See the previous PBF game for how it works.
Please send me an email or a message on BGG if you are interested. It will take about 2 months to play. You will need to check the BGG website about once every 2-3 days.
Otherwise there is also the possibility of playing online via TTS (Tabletop Simulator). You can contact me if you would like me to host a game (but you can also play by yourself). This is the link to the TTS files.
Artwork Progress
Here is another of the most recently finished images by Diego, this time is for the General Scientific domination card. It depicts a wise Avian teaching spiritual secrets to humans.

wise Avian teaching spiritual secrets to humans
Turn Order Strategy Guide
The effect of turn order in Galactic Era is often underestimated or misunderstood by beginning players. So I have published a turn order strategy guide to help with this.
Backstory in Game Video Series
Parts 2 & 3 of my backstory in game video series are out now. These are how the technologies and extraterrestrials in the backstory have actually been implemented in the game.
Part 2 (Technology):
Part 3 (Star People):
Here is the entire series:
Dutch Rulebook
There is a Dutch version of the rules now, thanks to Peter Oud! You can download it here:
Please report any errors you find to me.